News and works in progress, October-November 2011

Publié le par hevydevy


No detail so far about the forthcoming DC omnibus. The omnibus is mentionned though in the latest online interview of Kevin O'Neill by Pádraig Ó Méalóid (see the Forbidden Planet Internet site) for the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Recently though, Pat Mills told me that after having consider spliting the material into different volumes, DC have planned lately a single volume for 2012.


Works in progress

I have now finish the publication details of each story or paperback, and I will develop the "themes" parts as well as an exhaustive "References" section (and a few juicy quotes to finish each article with a smile) in the near future.

This month addition:

aditional material (1991- 1993): Scarce #29, french magazine, B&W illustrations.

- What would my Absolute edition of Marshal Law

- German edition of "The Secret Tribunal"

- Official Goodies part one: posters

- Official Goodies part two: T-Shirts

- Official Goodies part three: miscellaneous


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